
Where to aim world of warships
Where to aim world of warships

where to aim world of warships where to aim world of warships

Ships with high shell arcs need more for the same reason – their shells are usually slow and then even slower when measured on the Z axis (as a lot of their speed is “wasted” on climbing high). This effect is most pronounced on DDs and least on BBs. You add a bit of extra lead for far away targets because the shell loses velocity, not because they have farther to fly. Lead depends solely on the faction of enemy’s speed compared to shell velocity. The two pretty much cancel each other out. Sure, longer flight time means the target moves more during the shell flight but this is already covered by the fact that the farther the enemy is, the longer the distance represented by the angular measurements of the crosshairs. This video is absolutely and completely wrong. Uhm, the lead, as indicated by numbers on the crosshairs, does not depend on flight time or distance.

Where to aim world of warships