
Virtualbox linux wihtout kernel drivers
Virtualbox linux wihtout kernel drivers

virtualbox linux wihtout kernel drivers

The user may be a professional teacher, or doctor, or architect, or whatever. If they are not good at stating software requirements, that's your problem.Īll joking aside, the user is the domain expert. If they are not good at their job, you can call them idiots. The user is a professional whatever they are. Problem is, you are the professional software developer, the user isn't. Which, I think is one of the reasons a lot of developers take the attitude of your prof - it is so much easier to put the responsibility somewhere else because then the developer is only responsible for "idiot-proofing" their software rather than the much harder job of designing it to enable the user. I'm not saying it's easy, in fact user interface stuff is really hard. But there is a huge difference - you can't fix an idiot, but you can fix your software. One might argue that there is no practical difference between a user that makes a mistake because they are an idiot and a user that makes a mistake because the application didn't help them enough. When a user screws up the root cause is a failure of the software to help them take the correct steps to accomplish their goals. It's the software's job to help them get there, in fact that is the one and only job of software. But they do know where they want to end up. They may not know all the of steps to get there, and they usually don't know all of the implications and side-effects of those steps. My intro CS prof always told us that "The first rule of programming is.

Virtualbox linux wihtout kernel drivers